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Magzum Mirzagaliyev inspected flood control works at KazMunaiGas enterprises in Atyrau.

Magzum Mirzagaliyev inspected flood control works at KazMunayGas enterprises in Atyrau

The Chairman of the Management Board of JSC NC KazMunayGas visited Atyrau on a working trip, where he got acquainted with the current situation and the progress of flood control measures at KMG production enterprises.

Based on the recommendations of representatives of the civil protection services of the region, M.Mirzagaliyev gave instructions to further strengthen and systematize engineering flood control work, and also focused on the need to continue work on the creation of dams, collapse, prompt involvement of additional equipment, round-the-clock interaction with specialized specialists.

So, at the Atyrau Oil Refinery, the head of the national company inspected the sites at the enterprise where water protection is being built and structures are being sealed - a flare installation, a pumping and compressor station and other technological facilities.

Source: facebook.com
2024-04-12 22:32 Association News