Новости нефтегазохимии

On May 2, a meeting of the Public Council of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held with the participation of Vice Minister of Energy A.G. Khasenov, as well as with members of t

On May 2, a meeting of the Public Council of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held with the participation of Vice Minister of Energy A.G. Khasenov, as well as with members of the Council of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and representatives of structural divisions of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Issues on the implementation of the RSU "Western and Southern Interregional Departments of State Inspection in the oil and gas complex" of their functions, according to the approved Regulations, were discussed on the agenda.

A report on the activities of AKF Techgarden within the framework of R&D on UVS for 2021-2023 and a report on the fulfillment of contractual obligations of subsurface users for financing and training of Kazakhstani personnel and R&D for 2021-2023 were also presented.
2024-05-01 23:42 Association News