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At a meeting of the National Council for Science and Technology chaired by the Head of State dedicated to Science Day and the 125th anniversary of the birth of outstanding scientist Kanysh Satpayev.

04/12/2024 at a meeting of the National Council for Science and Technology chaired by the Head of State dedicated to Science Day and the 125th anniversary of the birth of outstanding scientist Kanysh Satpayev in the report of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Tokayev said that it is necessary to create advanced engineering schools based on regional universities. Educational programs and technological projects of these schools should be focused on the needs of priority industries.

Here, the practice of implementing projects of the type "My profession is my future" should be expanded, which helps to synchronize the education sector and the labor market.

The question was raised about the formation of an Atlas of the regional economy, reflecting the specialization of each region, for the subsequent adaptation of educational programs of regional universities and the "advanced" training of necessary personnel and applied research. Solving the task of training specialists in connection with the opening of plants in the region for the production of polyethylene by Silleno LLP, butadiene and synthetic rubbers by Butadiene LLP, polyethylene teraphthalate and terephthalic acid by KMG Petrochem LLP and other petrochemical companies, we have prepared two educational programs: a new bachelor's degree program in Materials Science and Technologies of New Materials and a two-degree program with Ufa State Petroleum Technical University "Chemistry and Technology of products of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis (monomers, polymers and rubbers)" for the Master's degree!

Source: facebook.com
2024-04-12 22:30 Association News