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There are plans to build a large plant in the west of the country

The Mangystau region plans to implement the project for 637.5 billion tenge. Such plans were shared with LS in the regional akimat.

It is expected that a plant for the production of ammonia and carbamide will appear in the region. The launch of production is estimated at 637.5 billion tenge, or $ 1.38 billion (at the rate of $ 1 = 460 tenge).

According to the regional government agency, the project is at the stage of development of project documentation.

The plant is expected to be operational in 2028. The company will produce 660 thousand tons of ammonia, 577.5 thousand tons of urea, 500 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate, 395 thousand tons of weak nitric acid per year. 700 people can provide jobs.

Earlier, LS wrote that the region plans to launch a plant for the production of pipe products. The launch of the enterprise is estimated at 243.8 billion tenge. The project will be implemented by companies from China and Kazakhstan.

Recall that by the end of last year, 10 projects worth 17.1 billion tenge were implemented in the region. For example, the production of antifreeze for 2 billion tenge appeared. Two production facilities for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products with a total cost of 2.4 billion tenge have been launched. Also last year, a desalination plant for 2 billion tenge was launched in the region. We have implemented a project for the construction of a plant for the production of chemical industry products and warehousing for 1.7 billion tenge.

Source: lsm.kz
2024-04-06 22:09 Association News