Новости нефтегазохимии

An important announcement for students of SATBAEV UNIVERSITY and all residents of Atyrau!

An important announcement for students of SATBAEV UNIVERSITY and all residents of Atyrau!

We are proud and happy to share the amazing news: an agreement has been reached with Satbaev University to open their branch right here, on the basis of our APEC Training Center in Atyrau!

Satbaev University is the largest scientific and methodological center in Kazakhstan, developing special training programs that meet the most urgent needs of the labor market. The opening of a branch of Satbaiev University at our base means that Atyrau students will have access to high-quality education, research projects and innovative technologies offered by this prestigious university. We are confident that this will be a huge step forward for our educational community and for the development of our region as a whole.

APEC Training Center
passage of Zhangir Khan, 72B
+7 (771) 002-70-09

Source: facebook.com
2024-04-16 21:33 Association News