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The head of KazMunayGas got acquainted with the progress of planned preventive work at the Shymkent refinery.

Chairman of the Management Board of JSC NC KazMunaiGas Magzum Mirzagaliyev visited Shymkent Oil Refinery (PKOP LLP) today to familiarize himself with the progress of planned preventive maintenance at the enterprise.

PPR at the PKOP began on March 25 in accordance with the schedule approved by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and is carried out within the framework of compliance with the norms of legislation in the field of industrial safety to ensure further safe operation of technological installations of the enterprise.

As Yerbolat Kozhabayev, President of PKOP LLP, reported during the inspection of the enterprise's territory, scheduled preventive work is underway at the complexes of primary and deep oil refining. In particular, 75 tons of catalytic reforming catalyst and furnace flues are being replaced, automated control systems are being updated, generators are being repaired, steam turbine is being overhauled, recovery boiler, inlet manifolds and other technological elements are being repaired. An industrial safety examination of 227 vessel units, 54 pipelines and 12 process furnaces is also being carried out. 30 contractors and more than 2,100 employees are involved in the work.

"Timely preventive maintenance, projects to improve operational efficiency, continuous staff training and other measures allowed the KazMunayGas refinery to ensure stability in the domestic fuel market last year. For the period of planned shutdowns, enterprises form sufficient reserves of petroleum products. For example, by March of this year, a record stock of gasoline and diesel fuel was formed — about 1.2 million tons, which is equal to a month and a half of the country's consumption. We are also implementing a program according to which by 2028 all our plants will stop for scheduled preventive maintenance not every year, but once every three years," Mirzagaliyev said.

Following the visit, the head of KMG instructed to complete the planned preventive work on time, ensure compliance with safety regulations, stable and trouble-free operation of the plant, the execution of the production program, as well as the high-quality implementation of the PKOP capacity expansion project.

Source: kmg.kz
2024-04-06 22:15 Association News