Новости нефтегазохимии

A list of countries where plastic is not recycled has been published.

A list of countries where plastic is not recycled has been published.

The environmental organization Earth Action has published a list of countries where plastic is not disposed of, reports Zakon.kz .

The organization has released an annual report, which scientists and specialists have been working on. They analyzed data on plastic waste management in 84 countries over the past five years.

In absolute terms, China took the first place in the world. About 14 million tons of plastic are not recycled there. The State of Eritrea has become the leader in percentage anti-rating. In this country, almost 98% of waste is ignored. The system is best established in South Korea, where no more than 2.5% of plastic waste is lost.

According to the authors of the report, 220 million tons of new waste will appear in the world this year. So, in Russia, about 3.1 million tons of plastic will not be recycled or sent to landfills for storage. Most of them will pollute the soil and reservoirs.

In business, the companies are located as follows:

  • Coca-Cola
  • PepsiCo
  • Nestle
  • Danone
  • Altria.

Belgium and the countries of the Arabian Peninsula turned out to be the leaders in terms of plastic waste per capita. Every Belgian throws out 147.7 kg of such garbage per year.

The countries leading in the number of deaths from selfies have been named.

Source: zakon.kz
2024-04-30 00:40 Association News