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Packer Service spoke about the experience of hydraulic fracturing on a hydrocarbon liquid at the Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Forum at Gazprom Neft PJSC.

On the initiative of PJSC Gazprom Neft, a Technology Forum on the topic "New approaches and technologies as levers to increase the economic efficiency of hydraulic fracturing" was held in St. Petersburg from March 5 to 6, 2024. Representatives of Gazprom Neft subsidiaries, key service companies providing services in this area and suppliers of chemical reagents were invited to this event. Such important issues as the selection and implementation of new technologies, the search for solutions to optimize hydraulic fracturing, fleet development, modern challenges, chemical reagents, etc. were discussed.

Representatives of Packer Service LLC took part in this forum and provided a presentation on the topic "Experience of hydraulic fracturing on a hydrocarbon liquid". Proposals and solutions in the field of new technologies, import substitution were also provided, and initiatives for pilot industrial work were identified.

Packer Service LLC expresses its gratitude to Gazprom Neft PJSC for hosting this forum, which allows us to share our experience in the field of hydraulic fracturing, develop partnerships between companies and jointly respond to the challenges facing the industry today.
Date of foundation: 2006.

Number of staff: more than 1,500 employees.

Geography of activity: Russia and neighboring countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan).

The main directions of the company:

Conducting hydraulic fracturing operations;
Repair and development of wells using GNKT (coil tubing);
Well completion - services for the descent of various types of shanks;
Works on OPZ, RIR, well jamming, nitrogen treatment of wells;
Conducting geophysical surveys of wells (cable and autonomous devices) using specialized downhole equipment for research with GNKT;
Engineering and technological support during the work on the intensification and current repair of wells;
Provision of fishing service;
Packer service;
Integrated projects with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing "turnkey" – (Completion of wells – Hydraulic fracturing - GNKT - GIS);
Own production of downhole tools (PF Packer Tools LLC), scientific and development activities (STC Packer Tools LLC - resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center);
Development of import-substituting technologies and equipment, localization of assembly of import equipment critical for mining.

Industry leadership:

"TOP-1" – in terms of services provided and production capacities with GNKT among independent companies of the Russian Federation-CIS;
"TOP 10" - in terms of the volume of services provided and production capacities with GNKT among global service companies (ICOTA – 2019 rating);
"TOP 3" - in terms of services provided and production capacities with hydraulic fracturing among independent companies of the Russian Federation-CIS;
The best Russian company in 2016, 2018 and 2020 in the nomination "Hydraulic Fracturing" according to a survey by the Center for Fuel and Energy Suppliers;
The best service company in the use of coiled tubing technologies in Russia and the CIS - ICOTA Intervention Technology Award-2016, 2018, 2019;
Source: nangs.org
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