Gaini Seitenova Zhumagalievna - Head of the Project Office

Seitenova Gaini Zhumagalievna

Position: Head of the Project Office

Date of birth: October 25, 1977

Education: Master of Chemical Sciences. Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Machines and apparatuses of petrochemical industries, mechanic. Leadership in Higher Education

Work experience:
May 2023 – present
Head of the Project Office of the Association of Producers and Consumers of Petrochemical Products of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Petrochemical Association)
October 2023 – present
Ass. Professor of the Department of Chemistry of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Astana.
February 2023 – October 2023
Head of the Department of Science and Certification of Scientific Personnel of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Astana
September 2015 – February 2023
NAO "Toraigyrov University", Pavlodar, Head of the Department of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Business
September 2005 – September 2011
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies
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